Helmet and Hat Stands.

Solutions for Museums, Galleries and Collectors

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Helmet & Hat Display Stands

Helmet & Hat Display stands are the perfect display solution for headgear of all sorts, and are designed to facilitate both ease of use, and stability of hat display

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An assortment of helmet/hat stands, one of which is displaying a top hat
starting at:
Price: $65.00-$80.00

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Helmet & Hat Display Stands are designed to support headgear of all sorts, utilizing their especially stable wide-saddled (very similar in shape to a bicycle seat if viewed from directly above) mount design. Regardless of variety in type and style of headgear, they are all made to rest on a person’s head and are therefore all easily displayed on Helmet & Hat display stands, which also yield a high degree of both dignity and authority to the pieces displayed on them as a result of their elevated and elegant display presentation.

For more information, please consult Helmet Stand.net